Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some Simple Truths About Lifting Weight

- Heavy is relative to the person lifting the weight
- People that are fearful of getting bigger and stronger (or at least trying to) have no idea, and probably never will
- Lifting is not a hobby, and hobby lifting gets hobby results
- It is one of the few venues in the world that the more you put into, it is guaranteed the more you will get out of
- When people say they don't like lifting, they probably have never truly experienced lifting
- No one should ever utter the words "I am too strong", if they have they are not
- Major Points in my life
- I benched 315 for the first time on the Enfield High' Weightroom in 1999
- I squatted 500 for the first time in Harvard's Strength and Conditioning Weightroom in 2006
- I dead lifted 515 for the first time in Georgia Tech's Strength and Conditioning Weightroom in 2009
- These will be some of the most lasting memories in my life due to the time and effort that went into it and although they are just numbers (no matter how much or how little it is) they are my numbers and I bled for them, I sacrificed for them, I earned them
- No matter what is going on in the world, weights will never change or lie and I have come to rely on that simple truth

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