Thursday, November 19, 2009


Well I accomplished my goal, I definitely Overtrained. In 8 weeks I got in over 64 work outs (stop counting) and I think I was at my best in week 2. So that ultimatley lead to 6 weeks of misery.

Squat: Start-430 End-430 (week 4 I hit 405 x4, but that was a long time ago)
Clean: Start-265 End-240 (that was not pretty)
Bench: Start-330 End-330 (made no progress whats ever)
VJ: Start-24.5 End-22.5
BW: Start-202 End-202
Injuries: Strained Rhomboid, Strained Neck, Anterior Shoulder Pain Left Shoulder, IT Band Syndrome, Low Back Pain L1-L2 Region, Also think I Developed Carpal Tunnel Not sure though.

Overall the goal was to overtrain, and I definitely accomplished that. I was asked several times "Why?" At first I thought it was just for fun, but I definitley learned something in regards to how phyiscally and subsequently mentally taxing training really can be. I became a more empathetic coach in the process.

This was a classic case of taking a large look in the mirror. I am constantly telling out interns that unless you understand what our athletes are going through dont even attempt to tell them how they should be performing. I think I lost site of that in some ways. I really beleive that that every athlete wants to be the best they can be; I highly doubt anyone wants to tank their training on purpose. However, there are times when we are asking an awful lot of these kids and there are times when they might loose motivation.

Around week four, I wanted to throw in the towel. The thing that kept me going was the fact that we probably have similar demands for the kids we coach and Ill be damned if I cannot have my athletes do something I wont do. I trucked though and finished it out and re-taught myself that the athletes I coach are working hard and I should apreciate that more.

I got nothing out of this physically, in fact I got worse. But at least I learned more about myself mentally/emotionally and really isnt that what training is all about.......That is what people who never get stronger say and I am now one of those people.

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